Character Mise En Scene



For the protagonist I want her clothing to be basic and simple. The clothing must be comfortable to change from the scene of investigating and running in the woods to lounging about at home. From looking through my research, it is very common for a simple top and pair of jeans or leggings to be worn. From this I have decided that my main character will wear a simple top and a pair of jeans. The other two girls will also wear similar clothing to this to make them seem equal. 

Make up-  

I would like the make up to be very similar to the clothing that will be worn. Something simple that does not over power or something that would distract away from any facial expressions that will be portrayed from the character. This will also be the same for all of the girls and will be "natural" with minimal mascara, eyeliner, eye shadow etc. 


I do not think it matters whether the girls have their hair up or hair down, it would just need to follow the theme of the natural look. Because of this I would prefer that if the hair was to up that it was in a simple low ponytail or a messy bun to once again keep the natural feel of the narrative. 



We will be giving our antagonist a mask to wear therefore there is not need to worry about make up or hair for the male. The only thing that needs to be thought about is the clothing he will wear to try make him look scary and creepy to fit the trailer. We also wanted his body to be difficult to see to focus on the white mask that we want to contrast dark clothing that we think the antagonist should were. Simple black clothing will be worn as will not be seen clearly in the dark.