Photoshop Process

I started by adding the image I wanted to use onto a black background and adding the effects to the mask in the same way I had done for my poster. During this process I had to remove the logo that was on the jumper and remove the red patches that were on the belt. 
Step 1
I then followed this up by adding the name of my magazine to the image and adding the effects on the text in the correct places. I also then decided to add "film" into my magazine title. I brought my image to the front, hiding some of the title, as I wanted the image to be the main focus and for it to cover as much of the cover as possible. 

Step 2
I felt that the next thing I needed to do would be to add a slogan for the magazine and a website. This gives the magazine a more professional look and makes it appear to be well known. 
Step 3
Now that I had the magazine initiatives, the next step for me to do was to decide where I wanted to place my main title of our film. I decided to place it straight in the middle but did not like the look of it being on a straight line. I decided to slant the text and because of this I was able to text bigger.
Step 4
Once I had the main texts in place I was able to follow my layout plan of where I wanted the cover lines and features to be placed on the cover. I selected where I wanted the to go and placed a white block in that place. This would be the background for the text allowing them to also stand out to its audience.
Step 5
I the added the text to the white blocks that would be my cover lines and features and subsequently decided that I wanted my poster to be a feature on the cover as well. In doing this I used eye catching words for the audience such as "free" telling them that there would be a present inside which would be the poster I had created for APPARITION.
Step 6
For the next step I had to look back to my magazine research to see what conventions there are on a magazine cover. I re-learnt that there has to be a barcode with an issue date and a price for the magazine. I then placed these into the image.
Step 7
When also looking back at my research I found that were others features included for new upcoming films. I then made this another cover line on my magazine and wanted to add 3 other films. As I was not allowed to use already existing major films, I decided to go to you tube and ask if I could use pre-existing student short films to feature. All three students work that i asked agreed and allowed me to take a screen shot from their short film to add to my magazine.
Step 8
The final step was to add text to the screen shots to allow the audience to know what the upcoming films were and then to add the image of my final poster as the free present being given.