
For the masthead of my magazine I wanted the font to be very bold and eye catching. I flicked through multiple fonts and managed to condense it down to three fonts that I believed could possible work. I then decided to test them out with my magazine name and these were the results: 

Accent SF
Folio XBD BT
Mr big SF
Rockwell extra bold
Showcard gothic
Once I had decided that I wanted to use ROCKWELL EXTRA BOLD. I thought of ways that I could make it stand out even more. I decided that I wanted it to be two colours as if there is a border of one colour around it. I also then decided to add an effect and chose to add cracks into the text to resemble the cracks on the mask of my protagonist. This was the outcome:

I added cracks to the letters that will be seen on the cover but half of the E and the P will be covered by my image which is why only sections of them letters have had the effect added to them.

For the main text on the magazine cover I wanted it to bet the same that is included in the trailer and the poster. This would once again make the connection between the film and the magazine and also make my products look as if they have fluidity. The text that was used was TRAJAN PRO throughout the magazine, the only differences throughout were the sizes of the text used for different sections as well as some of it being in bold.